Thursday, September 4, 2008


So here we are! It feels strange typing this but Caitlin's water is officially broken. The OB just did the honors. Anyway, that was akward. So it will just be a matter of time now. I can't promise that we'll have any minute by minute entries but I may try to do one more before it happens (I'm not confident that I'll actually have a chance to though). They just asked Caitlin if she wanted to have here tubes tied after this???? We made sure they recorded the correct response. Any way, I'm getting funny looks from the nurses so I think I'll go. Please say a prayer for us. Say it now and mean it. Thanks everyone and comment to the blog if you'de like so that I can tell Cash and Caitlin that your thinking of us. Thanks.


MMM X 2 said...

Dear Lord,
Bless this family as they welcome the little baby you already know so well! Be with Caitlin as she labors and bring him to us safely and swiftly. In your blessed name we place the events that are unfolding. You are Lord over all!

Thank you Jesus. You give so much!


Christi and Abbey said...

God we thank you for this blessing that you are bringing into the world, a son! Be with Caitlin, Mick, and Cash in a way that is very clear and present. May they feel your Holy Spirit overshadowing them in this process. We ask for your peace and comfort. Thank you that the time has finally come!
Prayer going up in China : )

Anonymous said...

WOW!! How wonderful can it get? Have fun and may you have many blessings come your way!

Teacher Mary said...

Missed saying prayers for you then but I am saying them now!