Thursday, September 4, 2008

Due Date

It's finally here!

That's one BIG belly!

The Daddy and his "dog"ter

It's hard to believe that it's here - the day we've been focused on for the past nine months - and I've been in labor for over 24 hours now...just not "real" labor.

I woke up yesterday morning with a series of painful contractions, and then nothing for an hour or so. That's how it went all day yesterday - the contractions would come consistently, although not at regular intervals, for a period of time, and then I'd go back to being normal. I finally called the doctor in the afternoon, who said that I was probably in "false labor", which can turn into the real thing within hours or days.

So as Mick and I headed to bed around midnight last night and my contractions started up again, we thought we'd be heading to the hospital, but within an hour and a half, the contractions were still irregular and I'd sent Mick out to the couch to sleep. I spent the rest of the night being kept awake by the false contractions.

Now the thing about false labor is, it still really hurts! It just doesn't come regularly so the progression of labor doesn't get underway. Hopefully, they will start to regulate soon, because this all-of-the-pain, none-of-the-progress business is not so fun.


MMM X 2 said...

God Bless you and Be with you! Can't wait to see him!!!

Love and Prayers,

Teacher Mary said...

Oh, well, false things are like that! You think something good is going to happen but it does not quite make it! You are so funny! I love reading your blog! You keep it real which I enjoy. Lots of Love and Prayers!