Sunday, January 27, 2008

Houston House-Hunting

Man, it has been a rainy week! We spent most of it in Houston, house-hunting and hanging with family, and then came home to a soggy California. I must say, it is so nice to see green hills out here and we used the weather an as excuse for a movie-marathon weekend. It was good to have a distraction from all the stress of the week.

If I thought I was overwhelmed before, I've learned to redefine the word. There is just so much to consider and weigh out with a move. We looked at quite a few homes and found one that was a definite possibility, but we just haven't been able to get to a place where we feel ready to make that decision. Will the house be big enough? Too big? Is it in the right area? What about the baby? How do we furnish a house that size? What if something changes after we're in and we aren't happy and we can't sell it? No wonder I'm so tired!

All that, and the reality that we are really moving away from our friends and life here has finally hit home. I've been blissfully ignoring that fact until now and even when you're confident that the Lord is leading you, it is a hard pill to swallow. I guess it's just all part of the process.

As far as the pregnancy is concerned, I've been very fortunate so far. Mild nausea at times, if any, and the need for naps. The fact that this is a blessing is not lost on me. I've watched many friends struggle through some gnarly symptoms. The hardest part has been this overwhelming feeling of starvation that I would equate to not having eaten in three weeks. My wonderful husband has learned that this means I can no longer think rationally and we must eat NOW! Or better yet, five minutes ago. Oh well, that's not so bad.

So, I'm looking forward to a simple week and to the LOST premiere on Thursday (finally!).


Tea said...

The first photo! Nice! It's funny, before, I never would've got much out of looking at an early ultrasound...but now that we've experienced it ourselves, I love seeing them!


Tea said...

I'm such a dork.

I'd already commented on the first ultrasound long ago (I was first! Yay!), only to now, having forgotten, comment on it again... But on the wrong post. Sheesh. I blame it on over-contentedness from eating P.F. Chang's tonight. ;) Thanks again for that!


Teacher Mary said...

Just listen to what the Lord is telling you and you will make the right decisions! I am sure that the prices in Texas are less than CA which is a big blessing! We are missing you already! But if that is where God wants you--GO FOR IT! Lots of Love and Prayers!