This week marked the half-year point of our little man. Even as I type this, I still can't believe it. Mick and I often look at each other in disbelief that he is really ours and we just can't quite grasp the reality of such an amazing blessing.
This past month was a mix of emotions for me - exhaustion from continued interrupted sleep brought us to a breaking point, but after some Ferber intervention, we are enjoying a full-night's rest and Cash regularly goes down for hour-and-a-half naps without much protest (this week at least!)
The better emotion that's really developed this month, both within Cash and within me as a result of being with him, is joy. Cash is hilarious! This age is so fun to watch. Now that he has cut both of his lower front teeth, we are learning that his personality is very joyful. That huge grin that breaks across his face whenever he sees Mick or me, the contageous giggle that sometimes squeaks out unsolicited, the way he flaps his arms when Bella runs up and drops her ball at his feet. WE ARE LOVING IT!!!
Developmentally speaking, Cash is right on track. He likes to roll himself across the room, only stopping when he gets pinned against the couch or a toy. He can sit up unassisted, but only for brief periods before he tips over. In fact, this picture was taken about a minute before he dove head-first into the jumperoo - poor guy! He now weighs over 19 pounds (82nd percentile), is 27.5 inches long (91st percentile!), and officially still has a peanut head. Cash is also eating like a champ. I've been making most of his baby food, which I really enjoy, and he pretty much likes anything we try.
With how fast the past six months have gone, I know it will be no time before we're celebrating his first birthday. I would love to push the pause button and just enjoy this wonderful stage, but I can't wait to see the little boy, and eventual man, he is growing into!
Praise God!
Happy 1/2 year, Cash!
That's a darn cute little man.
I agree with Tobias, he sure is a darn cute little man. He does not have the face of an infant! Enjoy it all as he moves on more quickly that you want into being one year old! Having the blog will be fun for him to see when he gets older.
Keep it up, guys! Lots of Love & Prayers! Mary
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